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100% Speedcraft Air Sunglasses
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MSRP $185.00
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100% S3 Sunglasses
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100% Norvik Sunglasses
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100% Speedcoupe Sunglasses
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MSRP $185.00
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An unlikely hero in the mountain biking scene, 100% started in the early 1980’s on only a hundred dollars and some loose dreams. Drew Lien, the company’s founder, came up with the concept and started circulating the iconic logo throughout motocross. Before long, some of the best riders in the world were riding the 100% logo. As the years went by, the brand began to take shape, and 100% morphed into the industry monolith it is today.

Now an outstanding manufacturer of Eyewear, 100% aims to stay on the cutting edge. It’s their goal to capture the spirit of racing and inspire a new generation to give it all. Because the image they stand by is more than just a brand name to them. 100% is a reminder to pursue your passion with absolute intensity, to keep pushing yourself and hold nothing back. As the ideation on their website goes, “If you’re not giving it 100%, you will regret it!” So, if you’re putting it all into your cycling, and you want gear that can keep up, 100% has your back.