Show Your Bike Some Love

If internet memes are any indicator, bike riders love their bikes just a few steps below family members and friends. So why not show your bike the love with 5 steps of key maintenance and care? These tips will keep your mountain or road bike running right and fuel the happiness of riding on two wheels.

The best place to start showing your bike the love, is with a thorough cleaning.  Dirt and grime from the road or trails can cause the various components of your bike to not run smoothly and can even cause parts to wear out prematurely. Keeping your components and pivots properly lubricated will greatly improve efficient, reduce noises, and extend the life of these parts.  After cleaning and degreasing your bike, you’ll need to reapply any grease or lube that needs to be there to keep everything running smoothly.

Now that your bike is clean and lubed, it’s a great time to give it a thorough examination.  You’ll want to check out every bit of your bike from front to back, giving extra attention to any areas that have moving parts. No matter how nicely (or not) you treat your bike, components eventually wear out or need maintenance.  With your clean and fully inspected bike, you can now evaluate which parts still have some useable life in them versus those that need replacing.

Sometimes you may not “need” new parts because they haven’t worn out or broken yet, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good time for some fresh upgrades.  Often, upgrading some part(s) on your bike can breathe new life into the way your bike performs and the way you ride.


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